Zeus Discrep - Dicrepancy Tracking for Master Control
For any networks that need to track on air discrepancies as part of their daily operations, Obor Digital is proud to offer Zeus Discrepancies. Zeus Discrepancies has long been a part of our standard Zeus suite of tools, but is now also being offered as a stand-alone product. Zeus Discrepancies is a web based, intuitive, affordable and highly functional discrepancy tracking system to help you manage your master control operations. And, in today’s complex master control environment where your operators may be responsible for just one feed or ten, Zeus’s new integration with the Service (Stream) management tools makes it a breeze to quickly document your issues no matter the size of your operation.Whether your issues come from log errors, extended programming, technical malfunctions or any other reason, Zeus Discrepancies gives you the tools to document, track and resolve issues as they happen. With automated, real-time emails Zeus Discrepancies helps keep people in the know. With Actions, Zeus Discrepancies can track what has been done and what still NEEDS to be done to resolve open issues, so you’ll never have a make good get missed again. And with automated daily reports, daily summaries will be delivered right to your email inbox!
Key Features
- ALL NEW interface that is even easier to read and use.
- Track Discrepancies or deviations from your master control, transmission or any other scheduled logs you use at your facility. Know when these deviations occurred, what media was affected and more.
- Flexible tools to show which Stream(s) (i.e. your networks or feeds) have been affected by an issue or change.
- Streams (Services) tie seamlessly into the workflow module for accurate reporting on the issues you have.
- Configurable Automated Daily Discrepancy Reports that can be emailed by the system to any users who need a full account of the previous day’s discrepancies for a given Stream.
- Configurable Automated Daily Summary Reports that can highlight key issues to be sent to a targeted audience for a Stream, such as the executive management team.
- For those things that can’t wait, real-time notifications can also automatically be emailed based on the types of discrepancies reported.
- User Customizable Impact classifications allowing users to report the severity of a discrepancy.
- Off Air reporting to flag discrepancies that have impacted your signal and document the off-air duration.
- Actions all your users to track what has been or what still needs to be done to resolve issues you encounter.
- During shift changes, the new crew can search for any “open” issues so they know what still needs to be done from the prior shift.
- Media tracking allows the user to log any and all media that was affected during the discrepancy such as media that was skipped, added, had quality issues, etc.
- For users of the full Zeus Service and Asset management product, Engineering Requests can also be generated from a discrepancy to notify engineers of a need for service. This is often necessary when discrepancy stem from technical faults. Instead of having to write up a separate engineering request, send an email or pick up the phone, Zeus Discrepancies allows the user to submit a request to the engineering department with just a few clicks using all the information they’ve already logged once.
- Attachments give the user to attach any sort of file to the discrepancy record, such as an as run, screen shot, etc.
- For anything else the user wants to log about a discrepancy, Notes & Custom Fields provide the means to track information beyond the fields already defined in the product.
*requires access to the Zeus Workflow module
Other Cool Stuff!
Zeus Touch
With Zeus Touch, a smartphone enabled version of Zeus for your iPhone, iPad, or Android, you can use the power of Zeus wherever you are.
Zeus Global Operation Dashboard
The Zeus Global Operational Dashboard provides a highly interactive experience to access the massive amounts of data within Zeus and other Data sources using all real-time Business Intelligence on all platforms: Windows, IOS, and Android!
Zeus Connect API
The Zeus Connect API allows provides an interface between Zeus and third party applications including ones you build yourself, whether that’s a scheduling system, like ScheduALL; a Monitor and Control (M&C) System such as (MaxView, DataMiner, or Crystal); an Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) System such as SAP; an IT Virtual Machine (VM) management system; or a relay system that will blink a light in your NOC when a new ticket is waiting in the Queue. The possibilities are endless!!!